Aakash Chopra says “The neighbors will make self-goals” in T20 World Cup. Chopra has anticipated the winner of the high-octane match. Between India and Pakistan on Sunday, which begins at 7:30 PM IST in Dubai. While Babar Azam‘s side has a “definite change”, they are likely to crumble under pressure from history. Chopra supported India to be better prepared and make “fewer mistakes” to clinch their first two points in the competition.
“Pakistan has a definite chance because it’s a T20 game and one performance can change everything. But Pakistan is under a lot of pressure. That self-imposed pressure of the history, the occasion, I see Pakistan crumbling one more time under them. We talk about it, we also know it’s an important match but the opposition takes a lot more pressure than us. I feel the neighbors will make self-goals, mistakes and in such games only the team that makes fewer mistakes wins… I am going for India to win this game,” Aakash Chopra said.
India and Pakistan
Moreover, India and Pakistan have clashed 12 times in World Cups. Also, the former boasts a 12-0 record. Observers and pundits believe that Pakistani teams feel the pressure of this streak. It is more than the Indians at every World Cup. Which in turn, leads to an extension of the record. The match between India-Pakistan is crucial for the two captains Virat Kohli and Babar Azam. In both, they are leading their teams in a T20 World Cup and would want to get off to a good start.
“See, Kohli and Babar’s captaincy styles differ because Kohli is captaining for a long time. Babar has just 1-1.5 years of experience and he’s kept a lot of experienced guys with him which tells me that he’s still a bit unsure and thinking like, ‘I’ll be better off with some support, he’s leaning towards that. [But] one thing that’s identical between the two is that they lead by example,” Chopra said.
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