Aakash Chopra says “Allow 5 overseas players in a playing XI in the IPL.” Chopra has argued for five overseas players to be included in the Indian Premier League. Also, because the previous franchisees are likely to keep significant Indian personalities, he added. The two new franchises may not be left with many good Indian players ahead of the mega auction. The BCCI reported industrialist Sanjiv Goenka’s RPSG group. It is a private equity support CVC Capital Partners. As the two proprietors of the new IPL franchises. Whereas RPSG Group packed away the Lucknow franchise for ₹7,090 crores, CVC got Ahmedabad for ₹5,625 crores.
Monitoring the changes that would come. In the addition of two franchises for the upcoming IPL season. Chopra pointed out that the new teams would be at a slight disadvantage. When it comes to picking Indian players.
Aakash Chopra
“Allow five overseas players in a playing XI in the IPL. Right now we have four and I think it dilutes the competition a bit. Five overseas players should be allowed to feature in a playing XI. Of course, franchises can field eleven Indians if they want, but I feel at least there should be the option of allowing five overseas cricketers to feature in the playing XI. Whether or not they play is a different matter altogether,” Aakash Chopra said.
“Lastly, if a particular franchise has not been able to pick too many good Indian players, this will come in handy. For example, if each team is allowed to retain three players ahead of the auction and all of them retain three Indian players each, that makes it a total of 24 Indian cricketers who will not be available for the auction. If so, from where will the two new teams pick good Indian players?” Chopra added.
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